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Станете спамър – лесно и с гарантирана печалба

Днес получих много интересно предложение – за разлика от обичайния спам, който се опитва да ми продаде нещо, от този e-mail аз самата можех да се превърна в спамър и да печеля от това… ако бях отговорила. Интересна схема. Ето и текста – без повече коментар. 🙂


I’m offering you to become a part time reseller of bulk emailing software. No sales experience needed, you will not need to make any sales. Using Email Extracting software you will extract email addresses and create your own customer lists. And then using Bulk Email Sender you will send this letter to customers from your list. This software allows you to extract and send 50 000 – 70 000 email addresses per day. Usually response percentage is 0.01% but it is 50 customers per day, that’s 50 x 10 = 500$ per day!

To become a reseller you have to buy Bulk Email Sender and Email Extracting software. You can order it from following persons:

1# You can buy Email Extractor software from:
Valerijs Steinman
Dzelzavas Street 25-149
Riga, LV-1084

2# You can buy Bulk Email Sender software from:
Aleksandrs Mastins
Zvaigznu Street 5-5
Riga, LV-1009

On a blank piece of paper, clearly write down your name, your mailing address, your email address, fold it around a 10$ banknote and send one letter to each reciepment.

They will contact you to discuss the best way to deliver your software to you and will help you with its installation. Once you’ve have both softwares successfully installed on your PC you need to change software seller details. Please delete 2# seller details, move 1# seller details to the 2# field and then write your own contact details to field 1#. Now you are ready to start your own bulk emailing campaign.

Here is even more: The person who will buy software from you, will insert his details under field 1# and will move your contact details under field 2# – this means that you will receive money not only from your direct customers, but also from their customers. And this means even MORE MONEY!

Yours Sincerely, Bulk Emailing Campaign Manager

2 коментара за “Станете спамър – лесно и с гарантирана печалба”

  1. Това си е обикновенна пирамидална схема – от типа, дето бяха разпространени в България 90-те години. Това, че някой е набъркал вътре някакви спамове, щото е модерно не го прави по-различно.

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